The Burden of Mental illness 

Psychiatry seems to be an ill-favored child among the practicing medical specialities. The community holds false and sometimes dangerous views about mental illness, its management and  outcomes. People fear labelling and thus avoid seeing mental health professionals even at times of severe distress. This distress in never spoken about and never acted upon.  

The time to change is now ! Lets talk about mental illness . We at he vivid mind clinic strive to promote mental health, we aim to banish stigma and provide people with a comfortable place to discuss their mental wellness.

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Psychiatry is a medical speciality, like surgery, general medicine and paediatrics. It involves the study, diagnosis and management of mental illnesses and distressing conditons, pertaining to both the mind and body. Misconceptions about psychiatric illness and treatment have some how prevented help seeking behaviour in those who need it the most. This Wall has to go, wherin visiting a psychiatrist should no longer be taboo, and people should be able to openly and freely discuss mental health issues. More here.

The information provided in this website does not substitute for a medical consult.