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Stressed? You need to read this now !

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In addition to stress, a number of pathological states can lead to increased cortisol levels. which include adrenal tumors and drug induced states. Stress induced hypercortisolemia can be reversed with modifications in one’s personality and lifestyle.

Here are five ways to get your cortisol under control.

Whole Foods, and healthy eating – 

A low-glycemic index diet, which should include healthy fats and proteins, enough fiber and  phytonutrients from fresh fruits and veggies. Some useful foods  include vegetables, fruits, coconut or olive oil, nuts, seeds and lean proteins.

Exercise, but not too much – 

Too much exercise can lead to an increase in cortisol level and an overall worsening of physical health. Exercise in moderation, 30-35 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week supported by healthy eating can be considered optimal.


Cortisol release occurs in pulses and is closely related to sleep. Cortisol levels are lowest during, deep sleep and highest during early awakening. Disrupted  sleep can lead to a sustained increase in cortisol levels and these increased levels can lead to disrupted sleep. This dirty cycle can be broken, if sleep hygiene is improved.

For a few tips on sleeping better, click here


Meditation is often misunderstood for spirituality. Meditation could be anything that you consider so relaxing that the thought train slows down to a crawl. There are a million ways to meditate, yoga, tai chi, mindfulness, massage, heartfulness, praying, breathing, swimming, cycling, gaming even !

Our thoughts are our primary source of stress, learn a meditation technique and apply it everyday to reduce stress. Learn more about mindfulness meditation here.

Look inward and fix what’s broken

Our personality and coping styles put us at high risk for a number of life threatening illnesses including stroke and cardiac disease. Strive to be non striving ! Type A = more stress, Type B = less stress.

Cortisol is truly a wonder hormone when at optimal levels, a balanced stress axis can

  • help keep us alert.
  • prevent fatigue.
  • keep our metabolism up.
  • balance blood sugar levels.
  • reduce inflammation help with healing.
  • control blood pressure.
  • help in learning and memory.

The next time you see someone getting angry, pissed,  impatient or worried, it is time for you to tell them what those emotions are doing to their brain and body. The next time someone chooses to stay up and work, tell them what they are giving in return for the sleepless nights. Break free from anger, agitation and worry, it is more harmful than one would expect. I am sure you will find your way there.

Sometimes, when self help fails, people tend to “give up”, not realizing there are people trained to do help one get rid of nasty habits or unfavorable personality traits. Reach out, seek help, live well !

Please share ! Thank you !

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