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Breathing exercises for anxiety

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2)Mindful breathing for relaxation

Mindfulness is being touted as the miracle cure to almost everything these days! If done right, mindful breathing can rid you of anxiety in no time.

1)Find a relaxed, comfortable place to practice this. Sit in a chair or on the floor on a cushion.

2)Notice the sensations your body experiences, the touch, the connection with the floor or the chair, identify any areas of tightness (Usually the shoulders and the face) and relax them.Focus intensely on your breath. Feel the flow of breath—in, out. You don’t need to do anything to your breath. Not long, not short, just natural.

3)Notice what your breath does in your body. It might be in go to your chest or abdomen.  See if you can feel it in your nostrils one breath at a time.

4)f your mind starts to wander off into other thoughts,  gently redirect your attention right back to the breathing.

5)Stay here for ten minutes.

This process brings you back to the “present’ and away from those bothersome thoughts about the future. An as long as you stay in the present, you can never be anxious.

Have an exam or test coming up, try this out. Let us know how it goes.

Breathing exercises for anxiety and hyperventilation can be very effective in proving respite from the physical symptoms of anxiety, however, changes in thoughts and behavior will help to get rid of anxiety in its entirety. Best of luck, I am sure you will do well! If breathing exercises alone aren’t helping, you may seek help for the treatment of anxiety from a mental health professional.




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