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6 easy to follow tips to set goals and reach them

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Set short term goals

This has special significance, especially in big goals. Think about the smaller
steps on the way to achieving your bigger aim. Sometimes our big goals are a bit vague,like ‘I want to be healthier’ or “I want to be rich”. Breaking large goals into smaller steps helps us keep track of our progress . So a smaller goal might be to exercise regularly’ or even ‘to be able to save 500 rupees this week”’. Set timelines to achieve these goals. Having several short term goals guides us in the right direction toward our long term goals.

One step at a time

Even the biggest goals began with the simplest steps. Though we would love to do it, we need to stay grounded and stay in the present. No one can tackle Everest in one swift jump, the first step though and the million steps after that will help get you there. Focus on the steps and goal is as good as reached. Try not to get too ahead of yourself , stick to small simple baby steps, they will add up. Stop trying to predict the future, stay in the present and deal with each day as it comes.

Be flexible, and keep moving forward.

The process of setting and chasing goals can sometimes be frustrating,
especially when things aren’t going our way . Flexibility is the key here. If one step isn’t working, take a break and try again, or examine why a certain step isn’t working. Timelines and short term goals can be changed, but always avoid procrastination. Keep all plans flexible, and always reassess after short intervals.

Be compassionate to yourself
All goals are not meant to be achieved. It is okay to fail. It is important not to
generalize these failures. “I am not a failure because I couldn’t lose weight”. There is a lot to learn from failure, in fact a wise man once said, “there is very little to be learnt from success, while failure can be a great teacher”. Don’t be harsh on yourself when you fail, you don’t need that sort of negativity. Reassess the situation and move on. What is the worst that can happen ?

Finishing tip

Irrespective of what you may do or want. Happiness is always the final goal, weight loss, charity, fancy car or Phd degree, happiness is what unites all goals. All one has to do is to work toward happiness, and your final goal is achieved irrespective of what happens along the way. Introspect and find things that make you happy, keeping doing these things.
Best of luck with everything ! 

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