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The executive function self report – It’s not just attention

This inventory is designed to assess your executive functioning skills as they apply to your daily routines and activities. Please answer each question based on the frequency with which the statement reflects your typical behavior. Aim for a general sense of accuracy, rather than pinpointing exact occurrences. Take a few seconds to read and comprehend each question before responding intuitively.

Rating Scale:

  • 0: Never
  • 1: Occasionally, with minimal disruption
  • 2: Occasionally, causing some disruption
  • 3: Frequently

Upon completion of the inventory, you will receive a set of scores. Higher scores indicate stronger functioning in those specific areas, while lower scores may suggest areas for further exploration or development.

Required fields are marked *

1.I start tasks as soon as they are assigned without needing reminders. *
2.I quickly get to work on projects or assignments when I know what is expected. *
3.I start daily routines without external prompts. *
4.I avoid delaying tasks even if they seem uninteresting or difficult. *
5.I can identify the most important tasks from a list and focus on them. *
6.I effectively allocate my time to high-priority tasks over less important ones. *
7.I am good at deciding what tasks should be done first when I have a lot to do. *
8.I regularly reassess and adjust priorities to ensure I’m working on the right tasks. *
9.I create good plans for completing tasks or projects. *
10.I break large tasks into smaller, manageable steps. *
11.I set clear goals and develop step-by-step plans to achieve them. *
12.I effectively map out timelines and resources for project milestones. *
13.I regularly use to-do lists and schedules to organize my tasks. *
14.I accurately estimate how long tasks will take to complete. *
15.I am consistently aware of deadlines and work to meet them. *
16.I frequently check the time to ensure I am staying on schedule. *
17.I set aside time for each task and stick to my schedule. *
18.I know the time without looking at a watch. *
19.I continue working on tasks even when they become challenging. *
20.I complete tasks even if they take longer than expected. *
21.I maintain focus on tasks until they are fully completed. *
22.I don’t get discouraged easily and keep trying until I succeed. *
23.I push through obstacles and setbacks to finish tasks. *
24.I think before I act and avoid impulsive behaviors. *
25.I resist the urge to speak or act without considering the consequences. *
26.I avoid interrupting others even when I have something to add. *
27.I control my impulses and stick to plans even when tempted to deviate. *
28.I do not let my emotions change my priorities *
29.I manage my emotions effectively to stay focused on tasks. *
30.I handle frustration or disappointment and communicate clearly. *
31.I can recover emotionally from setbacks or criticism. *
32.I maintain my composure even when faced with difficulties. *
33.I remember and follow multiple instructions given at once. *
34.I keep important information in mind while completing complex tasks. *
35.I recall details from past experiences that help me with current tasks. *
36.I can juggle several pieces of information without forgetting any. *
37.I easily retain and use information necessary for task completion. *
38.I switch between tasks smoothly without losing focus. *
39.I handle multiple tasks simultaneously without confusion. *
40.I can stop one task and start another without difficulty. *
41.I adjust my approach easily when new information is presented. *