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Anxiety self help in 3 little steps

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Putting things into action – 

1)Write it down – Note down all the identify the anxiety provoking situations that you feel you need to change. Writing it down in ascending order of “anxiety” will help.

2)Choose a calming technique – Yoga/meditation aid in reducing the sympathetic load on our nervous system by reducing states of extreme arousal. Mindfulness is my choice, it is calming, understandable and changes one’s perspective of life. Read about mindfulness and download our free workbook here.

3)Maintain a journal – 

Write down everything associated with the situations that you wrote down in step one. Record time, triggers, physical symptoms, how you felt and your coping mechanism. Also include a note about your beliefs that resulted in such a behavior.

For example. Today at 10 am in the morning, while in class, I was asked to walk to the black board and solve an equation. I froze and began to tremble. It felt like the whole class for looking at me. I did not answer, fearing that my answer could be wrong and I may be looked down upon by my classmates. I felt terrible after the whole episode.

4)Begin experimenting 

The only way to alter a schema is through subtle behavioral experiments. Experiment and record your findings. Start slow and go steady.

For example. Today at 10 am in the morning, while in class i was asked to walk to the black board and solve an equation. I froze and began to tremble. It felt like the whole class for looking at me. I wanted to face my fear today, and wrote the answer on the board. Though it wasn’t right, the teacher applauded me for my effort. I dint notice any difference in the way my friends treated me. I dint feel so bad anymore !

Consolidate the gains – As you continue to experiment, read up on anxiety provoking topics from reliable sources. Put in effort to improve communication, take language courses, train yourself in everything that you feel you are lacking in. You will begin noticing the anxiety decreasing and confidence building.

One does not have to live with anxiety, self help is the first step and for a few people this alone may not be enough. Seek information and seek help, you will beat anxiety !

Please share if you found this helpful. thank you !

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