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The SWAN Rating Scale for ADHD in children – Instant results

Screening for adhd

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 5–6% of the child and adolescent (age 6 to 12 years) population. Among the various existing scales that evaluate the symptoms and signs of ADHD, the Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD-symptoms and Normal-behaviors (SWAN) rating scale is based on observations of normal and abnormal distributions of attention skills in diverse population samples.

ADHD in children involves disturbances in 3 domains

Hyperactivity (being over-active or always on the go), inattention (trouble sustaining  attention) and impulsivity (doing things without thinking). Children must show 6 or more of these symptoms on a regular basis for more than 6 months, across two settings, like home and school.

Some of the behaviors that a child with ADHD may be confused with “being difficult” or being rude and disruptive.  It is important to identify and manage ADHD as early as possible.  This test is can help you Identify if your child has features of ADHD .

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1.1.Gives close attention to detail and avoids careless mistakes *
2.Sustains attention on tasks or play activities *
3.Listens when spoken to directly *
4.Follows through on instructions and finishes school work and chores *
5.Organizes tasks and activities *
6.Engages in tasks that require sustained mental effort *
7.Keeps track of things necessary for activities (doesn’t lose them) *
8.Ignores extraneous stimuli *
9.Remembers daily activities *
10.Sits still (controls movement of hands or feet or controls squirming) *
11.Stays seated (when required by class rules or social conventions) *
12.Modulates motor activity (inhibits inappropriate running or climbing) *
13.Plays quietly (keeps noise level reasonable) *
14.Settles down and rests (controls constant activity) *
15.Modulates verbal activity (controls excessive talking) *
16.Reflects on questions (controls blurting out answers) *
17.Awaits turn (stands in line and takes turns) *
18.Enters into conversation and games without interrupting or intruding *