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Autism test online

autism test online

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior, with symptoms that can impact an individual’s ability to function properly in school, work, and other areas of life. Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors are also common in people with ASD.

The adult AQ (Autism Quotient) was developed to provide a quick and quantitative self-report instrument for assessing autistic traits in adults. The AQ has been found to be a strong predictor of who receives a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder.

Welcome to our free online autism screening test based on the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ). This simple and easy-to-use test includes questions from the AQ and is designed to provide an initial indication of the likelihood of autism. Upon completion, you will receive an instant report with your scores and further instructions on what to do next. Our screening test is completely free and takes only a few minutes to complete.

It’s important to note that this test is not a diagnostic tool and should not be used to replace a professional evaluation from a healthcare provider. However, taking our free autism test online can be a helpful starting point for individuals who suspect that they may be experiencing symptoms of autism.

If you have concerns about your own or a loved one’s behavior, we encourage you to seek professional guidance from a qualified healthcare provider. Our free autism test online can be a helpful step towards identifying potential symptoms and determining if further evaluation may be necessary.

Take our free autism test online today and gain more insight into your symptoms.

The Autism Quotient (AQ) is a questionnaire that measures an individual’s traits associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It was created by the Autism Research Centre at the University of Cambridge. The questionnaire includes 50 questions that assess five different domains: social skills, communication skills, imagination, attention to detail, and attention switching. The AQ is commonly used to screen individuals for autism, as it can provide insight into whether someone may be on the autism spectrum.


The screening tests and other psychological self-tests provided on the website are intended for educational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute a medical diagnosis or healthcare recommendation. Do not diagnose yourself based on these tests alone. If you screened positive for a disorder, please do not panic. Remember that this is just a test you are taking on the internet and not an expert diagnosis. Please reach out to a health care provider for help if you are distressed.

Take the Autism test online

The test has a total of 50 questions, and should take around 10-15 minutes to complete minutes to complete.

Required fields are marked *

1.S/he prefers to do things with others rather than on her/his own. *
2.S/he prefers to do things the same way over and over again. *
3.If s/he tries to imagine something, s/he finds it very easy to create a picture in her/his mind. *
4.S/he frequently gets so strongly absorbed in one thing that s/he loses sight of other things. *
5.S/he often notices small sounds when others do not. *
6.S/he usually notices car number plates or similar strings of information. *
7.Other people frequently tell her/him that what s/he has said is impolite, even though s/he thinks it is polite. *
8.When s/he is reading a story, s/he can easily imagine what the characters might look like. *
9.S/he is fascinated by dates. *
10.In a social group, s/he can easily keep track of several different people’s conversations. *
11.S/he finds social situations easy. *
12.S/he tends to notice details that others do not. *
13.S/he would rather go to a library than a party. *
14.S/he finds making up stories easy. *
15.S/he finds her/himself drawn more strongly to people than to things. *
16.S/he tends to have very strong interests, which s/he gets upset about if s/he can’t pursue. *
17.S/he enjoys social chit-chat. *
18.When s/he talks, it isn’t always easy for others to get a word in edgeways. *
19.S/he is fascinated by numbers. *
20.When s/he is reading a story, s/he finds it difficult to work out the characters’ intentions. *
21.S/he doesn’t particularly enjoy reading fiction. *
22.S/he finds it hard to make new friends. *
23.S/he notices patterns in things all the time. *
24.S/he would rather go to the theatre than a museum. *
25.It does not upset him/her if his/her daily routine is disturbed. *
26.S/he frequently finds that s/he doesn’t know how to keep a conversation going. *
27.S/he finds it easy to ‘‘read between the lines’’ when someone is talking to her/him. *
28.S/he usually concentrates more on the whole picture, rather than the small details. *
29.S/he is not very good at remembering phone numbers. *
30.S/he doesn’t usually notice small changes in a situation, or a person’s appearance. *
31.S/he knows how to tell if someone listening to him/her is getting bored. *
32.S/he finds it easy to do more than one thing at once. *
33.When s/he talks on the phone, s/he is not sure when it’s her/his turn to speak. *
34.S/he enjoys doing things spontaneously. *
35.S/he is often the last to understand the point of a joke. *
36.S/he finds it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face. *
37.If there is an interruption, s/he can switch back to what s/he was doing very quickly. *
38.S/he is good at social chit-chat. *
39.People often tell her/him that s/he keeps going on and on about the same thing. *
40.When s/he was younger, s/he used to enjoy playing games involving pretending with other children. *
41.S/he likes to collect information about categories of things (e.g. types of car, types of bird, types of train, types of plant, etc.). *
42.S/he finds it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else. *
43.S/he likes to plan any activities s/he participates in carefully. *
44.S/he enjoys social occasions. *
45.S/he finds it difficult to work out people’s intentions. *
46.New situations make him/her anxious. *
47.S/he enjoys meeting new people. *
48.S/he is a good diplomat. *
49.S/he is not very good at remembering people’s date of birth. *
50.S/he finds it very to easy to play games with children that involve pretending *