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3.Our Little Blue Planet

Reading Time: 7 minutes

As of current day astronomical knowledge, the closest planet that lies in the “habitable zone” of a star lies 4.24 light years or 40 trillion kilometers away from us. Traveling at the speed of the fastest man made object (The Parker Solar Probe, which has achieved speeds of around 700,000 kilometers per hour) it would take us around 6500 years to get there !The habitable zone is the region around a star where conditions may support liquid water on a planet’s surface, a key factor for potential life.

Welcome to our amazing little planet. Let’s explore the origins of life, the evolution of creatures, and the awe-inspiring diversity of Earth’s geography, plants, and animals. After all, this is our home and we need to know it’s story. As you are reading through this, try to draw a parallel between the story of earth and your own story of growth,adversity,change and evolution.

4.5 billion years in 5 minutes !

As our little planet cooled down, a primordial soup of gases enveloped it, laying the foundation for its first atmosphere.It was filled with nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and small amounts of methane and ammonia. But there was almost no oxygen, making it pretty inhospitable for today’s life forms. Over time, carbon based life made it’s way to planet earth. Was this a spontaneous, magical process from simple organic compounds present here(abiogenesis) or did the first lifeforms hitchhike on another celestial object (panspermia) ? We do not yet know !

“The mystery of the beginning of all things is insolvable by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.”

Charles Darwin
The origin of life on earth

Around 3.5 billion years ago, a certain organism called cyanobacteria made their debut. These were living organisms that could convert light to usable energy. These guys were more closely related to bacteria than plants or animals. It’s almost like magic ! Cyanobacteria converted sunlight into energy and released oxygen as a by-product, gradually filling our atmosphere with this life-giving gas.

Oxygen Revolution

Roughly 2.4 to 2.3 billion years ago, a critical turning point occurred, boosting atmospheric oxygen levels significantly. Early plants and organisms embraced this change, transforming our atmosphere into a more breathable space. This incredible revolution paved the way for the evolution of more complex life forms, like us! Oxygen became the fuel for survival, shaping the incredible biosphere we know and love today.

While all this was unfolding, continents and land masses were on the move. Volcanic activity and tectonic processes worked their magic, forming and growing continents. Around 540 million years ago, Earth had one big supercontinent, Gondwana, surrounded by a vast ocean called Panthalassa.

The Cambrian Explosion, approximately 541 to 485 million years ago, ushered in a new era of rapid diversification and evolution of life. Picture an explosion of new organisms giving rise to the first-known animal ecosystems. It was a breathtaking burst of life, setting the stage for the marvels yet to come.Moving on to the Devonian Period, about 419 to 359 million years ago, marine ecosystems witnessed a thrilling boom in fish species. Jawed fish, including sharks and rays, as well as bony fish, underwent exhilarating evolutionary changes, some even developing limbs and venturing onto land, marking the dawn of the first vertebrate animals to grace terra firma!

The Carboniferous period was a time of coal swamps and amphibian evolution. And then arrived the Permian period, where reptiles emerged, and the supercontinent Pangaea majestically formed, setting the stage for future evolutionary marvels yet to be unveiled.

During the Mesozoic Era, spanning from 252 to 66 million years ago, dinosaurs, those magnificent rulers of the land, strode the Earth, with the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex reigning supreme, creating an unimaginable prehistoric world of wonder and awe.

For millions of years Earth trudged along undisturbed, supporting and protecting all that chose to call it home.But wait, it wasn’t always progress and happy times.

Around 66 million years ago, a momentous “Reset !” known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction event shook the Earth, ending the dinosaurs’ reign and marking the close of the Mesozoic Era. Caused by a colossal asteroid or comet impact, this catastrophe unleashed wildfires, tsunamis, and a dark “nuclear winter” effect. Regrettably, approximately 75% of all species that ever graced Earth vanished.

The “Age of Mammals”

Welcoming the Cenozoic Era

This is a time of miraculous recovery and incredible evolution! Imagine a world that emerged from the shadows of a catastrophic mass extinction, where life found its way back and flourished like never before.As the curtain rose on this magnificent epoch, vast grasslands, stretching like golden oceans, unfurled across the landscapes, welcoming an array of majestic herbivorous mammals. Graceful horses, majestic elephants, and mighty bison roamed freely, while formidable predators, the stuff of legends, prowled the Savannah – big cats with eyes that gleamed with ancient wisdom and canines with an aura of untamed power.

In this primeval dance of life, forests of wonder blossomed in breathtaking diversity. From the temperate deciduous woods to the lush embrace of tropical rain-forests, each held a treasure trove of life – a symphony of colors, shapes, and sounds. Among the branches, early primates swung with nimble grace, their inquisitive eyes hinting at the profound destiny that awaited them.

Yet, nature’s canvas did not stop there. As the winds of change swept across the continents, deserts emerged – mesmerizing landscapes that hosted a ballet of survival. Here, specialized creatures like camels and reptiles unveiled their secrets, honing the art of adaptation to perfection.

The aquatic realms, too, thrived with boundless diversity. Beneath the azure waves, a mesmerizing world unfolded, where schools of fish moved in mesmerizing unison, while ancient cetaceans and enigmatic sharks prowled the depths, reminding us of the unfathomable wonders that lay beneath the surface.

With a cooling embrace, tundra ecosystems emerged at the poles, a land of frozen beauty. Here, resilient creatures like reindeer, musk oxen, and arctic foxes mastered the art of survival in extreme conditions, a testament to life’s indomitable spirit.

And let us not forget the enchanting freshwater havens – rivers and wetlands – teeming with a vibrant tapestry of life. From the graceful dance of fish to the melodious chorus of amphibians, these sanctuaries nurtured both the delicate and the robust.

The majestic peaks of mountains beckoned adventurers higher, and the alpine environments rewarded those who dared to explore. Here, unique species, masters of altitude and cold, adorned the landscapes, their presence a living testament to nature’s boundless ingenuity.

Amidst this grand scene, mammals rose to claim their throne, becoming the undisputed rulers of the land. Among them, a spark of brilliance ignited – early primates, with hands and feet that reached for the stars, and minds that held the secrets of the universe. These primates embraced the power of community, forming bonds that would shape their destiny.

Over time, they walked the path of progress, crafting tools, discovering fire, and eventually, uttering words that would ripple through time. The evolution culminated in the rise of humans, like us, who unlocked the mysteries of science, kindled the fires of art, and harnessed the very essence of creation itself.

As we ponder the grand scale of the universe and the countless variables that had to align perfectly for you and I to exist, a profound sense of awe washes over us. It’s both humbling and exhilarating to realize that amidst the vastness of space and time, our very existence hangs on delicate threads of cosmic chance. In one perspective, we might appear insignificant, mere blips in the immensity of the cosmos. Yet, in another, we are the fortunate recipients of an extraordinary gift – the gift of life, consciousness, and the ability to marvel at the wonders of existence. Embracing both truths, we find ourselves in a unique position, blessed with the opportunity to appreciate the magnificence of the universe and to ponder our place within its vastness.

Exercise two – Our blue planet


  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space: Choose a peaceful environment where you won’t be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position, either on the floor or in a chair, with your back straight but relaxed.
  2. Take a few deep breaths: Begin by taking a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, and then exhale slowly through your mouth.
  3. Reflect on Earth’s history: Close your eyes and visualize the Earth as it was billions of years ago, just forming from the remnants of the solar nebula. Picture the swirling clouds of gas and dust gradually coming together to form our planet.
  4. Feel the primal elements: As you imagine Earth’s formation, focus on the elements that played a vital role—fire, water, earth, and air. Feel the warmth of the sun, the flow of water, the solidity of the ground beneath you, and the gentle breeze brushing against your skin.
  5. Embrace impermanence: Acknowledge that Earth’s history spans billions of years, and throughout this time, it has undergone constant change and evolution. Reflect on the impermanence of all things and the interconnectedness of everything in the universe.
  6. Connect with Earth’s energy: Place your hands on the ground or in your lap, palms facing up. Imagine energy flowing from the Earth, through your hands, and into your body. Visualize yourself absorbing the Earth’s ancient and grounding energy.
  7. Gratitude for life: Think about the incredible journey that life has taken on Earth, from single-celled organisms to the complex and diverse array of life forms we have today. Feel gratitude for the immense beauty and diversity of life that exists on our planet.
  8. Connect with your fellow earthlings: Bring your awareness back to the present moment. Notice the sights and sounds around you, how many fellow earthlings can you see, hear or touch. Embrace the sense of presence and connection with our fellow earthlings.
  9. Express your thoughts: If you wish, you can take a few minutes to write down any insights, emotions, or reflections that arose during the exercise.
  10. End with a moment of silence: Close the exercise with a moment of silence and appreciation for the Earth and the opportunity to learn more about its origins.

Remember, this mindful exercise is a way to deepen your connection with the Earth and its history. Feel free to modify it as you see fit or explore your own variations to make it a meaningful experience for you. Enjoy the journey through Earth’s origins!

Coming next – 4.The earthlings

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