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3 tactics you can use to prevent premature ejaculation.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The sensate focus –  Start slow and then go low !


These are a series of specific exercises for couples to “desensitize” the anxiety associated with the sexual experience. This therapy usually occurs over several weeks, however couples should be able to customize these exercises  and typically shorten this period.


Stage one – The couple takes turns to “touch” each others body, the breasts and genitals are strictly off limits.Communicating pleasure is of utmost importance. One is not allowed to continue to have sex even if aroused.

Stage two – Touching breasts and genitals are now allowed, but only in turns. The emphasis is laid on sexual arousal and not sexual intercourse. “Hand riding” or using one’s hands to guide the partner’s hand to pleasurable spots may be helpful. Orgasm and intercourse are still off limits.

Stage three – Mutual touching – but not in turns. A more natural form of sexual interaction, however intercourse is still a no go.

Stage four – Mutual touching, female on top and the female controls the penis. Superficial contact between the genitals, and returning to non genital contact if one of the partners is getting anxious. Gradually, the penis may be introduced into the vagina.

Usually after a few sessions like this, premature ejaculation will be long gone !

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